Friday, September 6, 2013

First Assessment - Reflection

Write a self evaluation in an email, discussing your strengths and weaknesses as a group member so far in this class.

You can answer some or all of these questions.

What could you do better? What have you done well? What has been difficult? What has surprised you about being in a group?

Also, include all of your group members names. Include first and last name! Why is it important for you to know your group members names?


1 comment:

  1. The thing i could do better is work hard and understand the concept of light and photography. The thing i have so far done well is making my blog, gmail, learning about light, and posting something on my blog. The thing that is difficult was getting to know my group and trying to make my own email. It's important to know my groups names is because if me and my group gets an group assignment we could all get credit for it also so if one of us are sick we can tell the teacher who is missing from our group.
